CFC Electrical | Mackay Air Conditioning | TIPS

CFC Electrical | Mackay Air Conditioning | TIPS

Some regular checks that CFC Electrical | Mackay Air Conditioning recommend you can do. These Simple Tips You can perform on your air conditioner. However other checks will need to be done by ARC-licensed technicians such as CFC Electrical | Mackay Air Conditioning

Ask CFC Electrical | Mackay Air Conditioning, about the following

Checks you can do yourself to your Mackay Air Conditioning

  • Regularly clean or replace your filtersMackay Air Conditioning
  • Keep condenser and evaporator coils clean
  • Keep the outdoor unit clear of debris

Tips for better performance from your Mackay Air Conditioning

  • Set your air conditioner to 24 or 25 degrees in summer.
  • You can save up to 10 percent of cooling costs for every one degree that you raise the temperature*
  • Avoid placing appliances that give off heat (Eg: TVs or lamps) near a thermostat as this will effect performance of the system
  • Try switching off unnecessary displays or internal lighting

* Source – Department of Energy and Water Supply, Queensland Laws are in place to minimize refrigerant emissions into the atmosphere If leaked or emitted into the atmosphere, the fluorocarbon refrigerant gas contained in most air conditioners and refrigerators can be extremely harmful to the environment.
In particular, it can damage the Ozone Layer and contribute to global warming.

The ozone layer protects life on earth by absorbing ultra-violet (UV) radiation from the sun. UV radiation is linked to skin cancer, genetic damage and immune suppression in humans and other living organisms. Kg of the commonly used refrigerant gas R410a, has the same greenhouse impact as two tonnes of carbon dioxide,which is the equivalent of running a car for six months.

Only ARC-licensed technicians can legally handle and trade fluorocarbon refrigerant in Australia.

About the ARC
The Australian Refrigeration Council Ltd (ARC) administers refrigerant handling licenses and refrigerant trading authorizations on behalf of the Australian Government, to qualified professionals in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. For more information on managing your air conditioning and refrigeration systems, and ways you can help the environment

visit the ARC consumer website

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