Mackay Electrician |Ceiling Space Safety
March 1, 2016
CFC Electrical | Mackay Electrician
We Want you to be Aware of Ceiling Space Safety
Homeowners and tradespeople are urged to turn off all the main power switches at the switchboard before heading up into the ceiling space. If your in Doubt need Assistance we want you to call us CFC Electrical | Mackay Electrician.
There are serious electrical safety risks in ceiling spaces. Whether you are a homeowner or a tradie, there is one simple thing you can do to make it safer before you go up there – turn off all the main power switches at the switchboard.
Get your free brochure containing warning stickers and place them on your home’s ceiling space manhole and switchboard.
Contact us CFC Electrical | Mackay Electrician | 07 4953 1731